The Three
Billy Goats Gruff
and the Grumpy Troll
A pantomime in rhyme - ten to fifteen minutes.
We have had great fun, particularly with The Three Billy Goats Gruff. It has done us all so much good to be able to laugh! (Playbox Theatre, Warwick)
Available from the author.
Click here to request further details or to order a free reading copy.
Artwork by Simon Bond
The three billy-goats need to cross the river to go to town for a pizza. A vicious troll lives under the bridge. But this vicious troll is only interested in relaxing and reading the paper. When the billy goats return, tummies bulging with too much pizza, who is going to end up floundering in the water.
Narrator, Big Goat, Middle-Sized Goat, Little Goat, Troll.
Extract from the script:
Narrator: Here are three billy-goats called Gruff -
Little Goat: And we have simply had enough -
Middle-sized Goat: Of eating grass and greenish stuff -
Big Goat: That's brown and bare and very tough.
Little Goat: We don't like grass that's tough and brown -
Middle-sized Goat: And so we goats are off to town!
Big Goat: There's nothing in the world that beats a -
All Three Goats: Gigantic deep-pan cheesy pizza!
Little Goat: Be careful!
Narrator: Says the Littlest Goat.
Little Goat: There is one problem we should note.
That bridge is under the control
Of an enormous vicious troll.
We must beware. I have a hunch
He likes goat sandwich for his lunch.