Hansel and Gretel
Available from Lazy Bees Scripts
A Lazy Bees best-seller
Length: about 8 minutes. All in rhyming couplets, with opportunities for audience participation.
This is the story of two children with problem parents – or, possibly, two parents with problem children. Hansel and Gretel are disobedient and rude and have insatiable appetites.
Their father takes them into the forest to get rid of them. The lost children find a cottage made entirely of food – owned by a wicked Witch who eats children. The story ends more or less as the Brothers Grimm intended, except that the children eat far more than anyone – even the audience - is expecting. Another story with an important moral at the end.
Artwork by Simon Bond
Script Extract:
Narrator : It was a cottage
Of which the walls were made of porridge.
The door was made of ravioli
And the windows were all jam roly-poly.
The garden gate was ratatouille
And the chimneys were made of prawn chop suey.
Hansel: I can’t resist a little munch.
Yuk! It tastes like Friday’s school lunch.
This script has been performed in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.